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David Helbock "Random Control"

David Helbock- Piano, Inside Piano, Electronics, Toy piano, Melodica, Percussion.

Johannes Bär - Trp., Flg., Piccolotrp., Euphonium, Tuba, Sousaphon, Alphorn, Didg., Beatbox, Perc., Electr. 

Andreas Broger - Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Clarinet, Basscl., Flute, Slidetrumpet, Percussion

Vencedor na maior competição do mundo de Piano/Jazz em Montreux.

2011 foi galardoado com o prémio mais importante pelo governos Austriaco (Outstanding Artist Award).

2010 lançou o livro “My Personal Realbook“ com mais de 600 Paginas de música original.

„...David Helbock is equally capable of negotiating elaborate figures at speed, holding down a groove and whacking some dissonance out of his instrument. He can play a fast calypso, hint at gospel, swing some Schönberg, get lush enough for cocktail hour and peck out dance rhythms with a prepared instrument. And his rhythm section is with him every step of the way, amping up the velocity and cramming in a few extra notes and flourishes whenever they get the chance...
                                                                               Downbeat Magazin

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